What's the site like? What are the facilities?
Tent space is LIMITED.
You cannot save spots for tents with anything other than a tent. Throwing down a tarp or a jacket doesn't cut it. Sorry!
Neither does a tent still in its bag, either set it up, or make space for those who are ready to go.
NO RV CAMPING AREA ON SITE. RVs will be parked in the parking lot which is about a 5-10 minute walk from the festival site.
No showers
Limited cell phone reception
We are (mostly) off the grid:
Yes hand washing stations and sanitizer
Yes dish washing stations (bring bio-degradable soap)
Yes large communal fire pits
Yes basic first-aid
Yes free water (from our water truck)
Yes poison ivy! Stay on the trails.
Yes portable toilets
Throughout the festival site, attendees may encounter steep slopes, uneven terrain, loose gravel, earthy paths, and exposed river banks. We acknowledge that these natural features pose an accessibility barrier and we will do our best to accommodate any accessibility requests brought to our attention. Additionally, we are planning an accessibility audit and welcome your feedback in this area.
For more information, please contact rtmf.info@gmail.com or the front gate or info tent on site.
Is this a kid friendly event?
We love having children at the festival! However, we do not have any kid specific activities at the festival... so if your children need a play structure and kids music they may not be very happy...
There is a "quiet" campground that has a no noise policy after 11 p.m., BUT this area is still quite close to the stage (200 meters) and will have plenty of music bleeding over and lulling you to sleep, (keeping you awake). We do not have a truly silent campground. Please keep this in mind.
Kids should not be left unattended at any time on the RTMF site. There is poison ivy just off the trails, and a river to be wary of. We do our utmost to build a safe environment, but there are some risks to be aware of, especially for children.
What to bring
Pack Light! It's a 10-20 minute walk from the parking lot to the campsite. We offer gear hauling, but it is not a guarantee that it will be available at all times. Please come prepared to carry your belongings if needed.
A tent – Camping space is limited and we cannot accommodate large campsites. Please camp according to the number of persons your tent is rated for. Screen gazebos that are not for sleeping cannot be accommodated.
Sleeping bag and warm clothes – it gets cold at night. It has dropped down to almost zero before.
Food and drinks – Stay fed, hydrated and healthy.
Re-fillable water bottle – We have a water truck with free water. We will not be selling bottled water, but we will be selling bottles!
Flashlight – Nighttime can be dark out there. You may need a light to help you get around.
Umbrella, rain gear, bug spray, sunscreen, etc – The elements in Manitoba can be extreme. Come prepared and stay comfy.
Biodegradable soaps – Please help us respect our festival's home. Only bring biodegradable soaps, and only use them at designated washing stations, not in the river.
Good vibes
What NOT to bring
GLASS! – This site is glass free. Broken bottles mean bare feet all cut up... so NO GLASS WHATSOEVER PLEASE!
Pets – We do not have facilities for furry friends, and the campsite space is limited. Please leave Fido and your lizard at home.
Water – We have FREE drinkable water on site. Bring a bottle or vessel for your site.
No amplified music of any kind. Please respect our musicians, and join in the campfire jams!
Weapons – Weapons of any kind will not be tolerated.
Fireworks – Trees, tents and people are flammable.
Bikes – It's a very short walk between camping, swimming, and the festival site.
Bad vibes – We have a friendly community, and we're out to have fun! Please respect your fellow festival goers.
Oroseau Campground
Festival SITE Address
PO Box 345
St. Malo, Manitoba R0A 1T0
Email: oroseau@xplornet.com
49° 12.000 N 96° 54.860 W
1. Head SOUTH on HWY 59 to St. Malo
2. Continue roughly 7km past St. Malo
3. Turn RIGHT on SENKIW RD. (keep your eyes out for the sign on your right side during a sweeping left turn)
4. Continue 4 miles
6. Continue for 1 mile
7. Look for RTMF signage
Detailed map directions click HERE
Zoom out on the map to see where Oroseau is located!